The Light of the World


Again, Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness but will have the light of life.”

John 8:12


“Our pain gives us a platform. The question becomes, ‘What am I saying to the world in the midst of my pain?’ Do I allow my faith to become the product of my circumstances, or is God still good even if my circumstances are not? The scope of His character and grace does not change when suffering comes. As I trust God, even in my heartache, I let my life speak of a hope that extends well beyond what we can see or touch. We reveal a glorious God who has better things than just these earthen vessels we get to live in. It points to the treasure inside that endures far beyond the reaches of what harm, moth or rust can do.” — Daniel Ritchie

Author: Daily Dose

Husband, Father, Friend and Closet Guitar Geek...Follower of Christ

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