In “HIS” Image



The battle is real, every day. Some days you may feel like you can conquer the world. Other days, you may feel as though your life doesn’t matter at all.

The negative thoughts come from one place, the enemy. While God sees you as a mighty warrior, the enemy seeks to obliterate your self esteem.

Remember, God created you in His image. He loves you more than you will ever know and He created you for a purpose. If you’re being bombarded with negative thoughts, it’s the enemy attempting to steal away your joy.

No Burden is too Big



Jesus is a mighty warrior. He sits enthroned at the right hand of God, overseeing those who love and follow Him.

There is no army too big, no problem too complicated, and burden too heavy for His shoulders to bear. He will fight FOR you and He will bring you unto VICTORY!

Sometimes We Need to Step Back



With God standing in front of us fighting our battles, we’re sure to come out victorious! God never cowers when there is a fight to be fought, he stands in the fray.

We all want to be able to stand and fight. But to ensure certain victory, we need to step back, pray, and follow God into battle.

This fight is spiritual. This fight is with things unseen. Allow God to fight for you!

Humble Yourself



Humble: reflecting, expressing, or offered in a spirit of deference or submission.

To Humble: to destroy the power, independence, or prestige of one’s self.

By being humble, we completely detach ourselves from controlling any given situation and hand it over to God. In this way, we are showing God that we believe He is Lord over us and we relinquish that position to Him alone.

Humble yourself and give God the glory. Pray He will transform every hardened corner of your heart and bring you in line with His will. Ask for forgiveness and watch how quickly things change!

Your Will Must Be That of Surrender



When you wake up daily, do you thank God for the day right away? Do you ask Him to guide your steps and organize your day to glorify Him in every way possible?

You have to surrender your life to Him every morning. You need to purposely get into His Word daily, as well. You have to ask Him to shape your thoughts and actions in a way that’s pleasing to Him.

Your will must be that of surrender for His will to take over and light the way!

God has a Plan!



God has a plan! When God sets you on a path it’s important to stay glued to it if you hope to receive the blessings He has in store.

It’s normal to have doubts along the way. Many times the path we are on may develop over time. This means there will be obstacles and delays we must suffer through. As painful as it is, the reward awaits on the other side!

Develop your faith like you would train for the Olympics! Your pathway will not always be simple to navigate, but through perseverance, with God’s strength, you will see victory!

Be Confident, Glorify Him!



God has given and cultivate gifts that are unique to you, to use for His purposes. Whether it be to influence our to create, God has given them to you.

Ask God for wisdom in regard to your gifts and talents. Ask Him to remove all fear so you can confidently move forward and realize the purpose for which He has prepared you.

Be confident and glorify Him!

For Such a Time as This!



You were created for such a time as this! God has created you with gifts, talents, and abilities to Glorify Him. He has given you influence, platforms, and resources to represent and to reflect Him in the Earth.

You were created for a Purpose.

You were intentionally and strategically planted in the Earth, by God, for such a time as this. The timing of your placement was not an accident. The Word that God has spoken and declared over you shall prosper.

You may have been waiting unknowingly for a season in your life where all of your talents blossomed into something God could use to bring Him glory. When that time presents itself, run after it as fast as you can!

Hands Off the Wheel



To experience all God has planned for our lives, we must first surrender our will over to Him. We must get our hands off the wheel and give Him control.

As God prepares trials to strengthen and stretch you, remember, these are opportunities to grow and build your faith. Patience is probably the hardest lesson to learn, but that one act shows an enormous amount of faith.

Don’t take your ques from the way the world works. Step back and put your faith in God so you can experience everything God has in store for you!

Not Mine, But Your Will Be Done



Are there people who choose a destination other than the one God has predestined for them? Absolutely! When God allows us to go through trials, there is a purpose. What He has in store are blessings that we will never realize unless we are willing to put His will first.

More often than not, many are unwilling to wait. They chose a direction that will allow them to avoid the stretching necessary to receive what God has planned for them, simply because it’s hard.

When we say, “Not my will, but yours be done.” We open the door to God’s blessings!