Heaven’s Army


For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.

– Ephesians 6:12


It’s easy to get “world-focused”, to get so focused on the things going on around you that you forget there’s a war going on, unseen. Current events and your own trials create a fog that’s hard to see through.

But if you stop and realize that God, the Creator of all things, always has things under control no matter how chaotic it gets, you can start to see the fog lift and a sense of peace descend upon you.

We may not see that battle raging, but we can be sure the Commander of Heaven’s Army is on our side!

Pleading with God


By his death, Jesus opened a new and life-giving way through the curtain into the Most Holy Place.

– Hebrews 10:20


Charles Spurgeon said this about praying in Jesus Name;

“Do not reckon you have prayed unless you have pleaded, for pleading is the very marrow of prayer. He who pleads well knows the secret of prevailing with God, especially if he pleads the blood of Jesus, for that unlocks the treasury of heaven. Many keys fit many locks, but the master-key is the blood and the name of Him that died but rose again, and ever lives in heaven to save unto the uttermost.”

Have you pleaded with God to do something big? Have you poured out your innermost longings to Him? We have to respond to God with passion in the mighty name of Jesus!

Refocus Your Gaze


We do this by keeping our eyes on Jesus, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.

– Hebrews 12:2


When fear and anxiety set in ask yourself this question, “What am I focussing on?” I’ve found that when I feel things are getting out of control it’s because I’m more focused on the issues than I am on Jesus.

By worrying about worldly things we take our focus off of Christ and place our attention here in the world. Once you pull back and refocus your gaze on Christ, God’s peace will fill you.

If you’ve taking your eyes off of Jesus, refocus on Him!

You Are Unique


The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease.

– Lamentations 3:22


Today’s mercy is different from yesterday’s mercy, which is different from the mercy of the day before that. Each day’s mercy is an isolated miracle.

God created each of us to be unique. We are a never-to-be-repeated miracle, as different as our fingerprints. God’s mercies are unique to each of us, just as His blessings are unique to each of us.

He never ceases to love us and He never ceases to care for us individually. He is laser-focused on your needs, desires, and dreams.

Hold Fast to Your Faith


That is why we never give up. Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.

– 2 Corinthians 4:16


Each one of us has an expiration date. Each one of us is facing our own unique set of obstacles. But if there’s one theme that’s constant throughout the Bible, it’s not giving up. You may not be running from the entire Egyptian army, but I’m sure you may be facing things that make you feel as if you are.

God is with us. He said He would never leave or forsake us. Knowing that we must assume that He will help us conquer every battle, topple every obstruction, and drop every giant.

Hold fast to your faith in everything you face. Allow God to show you He is with you and He will show up in ways you never imagined!

Be a Prisoner of Hope


Come back to the place of safety, all you prisoners who still have hope! I promise this very day that I will repay two blessings for each of your troubles.

– Zechariah 9:12


Which one are you—a prisoner of war or a prisoner of hope? If you let your circumstances define the way you see God, you are a prisoner of perspective. Or worse, a prisoner of your past mistakes! But if you let God define the way you see your circumstances, you are a prisoner of hope. 

A prisoner of hope believes that God is in control, that God has them exactly where He wants them. They believe their affliction is temporary and that God will guide them and give them the strength to endure, that blessings will come.

Be a prisoner of hope!

Pray God’s Word


It is the same with my word. I send it out, and it always produces fruit. It will accomplish all I want it to, and it will prosper everywhere I send it.

– Isaiah 55:11


When we feel stuck, we can pray God’s Word for more effective prayers. We can remind God of His answers to those who’ve come before us.

Won’t you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you? – Psalm 85:6

If you’ve been facing an extended period of trials and waiting, praying God’s Word with those who have partnered with you in prayer can make a difference, their “amens” can cause things to move.

Pray God’s Word!

Never Give Up Hope


Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord God is the eternal Rock.

– Isaiah 26:4


There are times when all of us feel as if we’re in neck-deep water with waves threatening to cover us at any moment. In those moments you hope God will provide a way out.

He is the rock you find with your feet that allows you to step up, to bring your shoulders up out of the water so your head is above the waves. He is the strength you find when you thought you had none. He is the lighthouse in the distance that leads you to the shore and dry land.

Never give up hope!

Your Bravest Dream


…I will bless you and make you famous, and you will be a blessing to others.

– Genesis 12:2


We pray bold prayers because we believe. We hold God in high regard, knowing above all else, He can accomplish the miraculous. We understand we are powerless but through Him, we can see the mountains brought low and the valleys lifted.

The blessing of God is the solution to your biggest problem, the answer to your boldest prayer, and the fulfillment of your bravest dream. 



The Lord your God is with you; his power gives you victory. The Lord will take delight in you, and in his love he will give you new life. He will sing and be joyful over you.

– Zephaniah 3:17


Victory over the giants, the trials we face, is something God is fully involved with. By praying, we partner with God, showing Him we are faithful. God’s intent is for us to see Him in the details, to watch as He maneuvers through the impossible, showing us that He is Lord above all and cementing the fact that it is only through Him that these things can be accomplished.

When God is victorious, come before Him with thanksgiving, and share your story!