Go All-In!


God keeps every promise he makes. He is like a shield for all who seek his protection.

Proverbs 30:5


God is always reliable, always faithful, always merciful, and He never changes. We as humans have changing minds and are sometimes quick to anger. God doesn’t operate on emotions as we do.

You can always place your full trust in Him, He will never let you down. He may not give you the answer you’d hoped for, but He’s always got your best interests in mind. He’s always good.

Don’t withhold your trust, go all-in!

Be Patient


And I will do whatever you ask for in my name, so that the Father’s glory will be shown through the Son.

John 13:14


Do you approach prayer as a conversation with God, or do you pray in a way that conveys a wish-list of things you’d like Him to accomplish?

To avoid being disappointed, be sure that you pray in line with God’s will. Be sure that what you are praying for will, in the end, glorify God. Also, approach prayer is you would approach a conversation with your father.

Most importantly, when things don’t happen in a time frame that you’d hoped they would, don’t think God isn’t working. His timing is ALWAYS perfect. Learn to be patient. Sometimes God has work He needs to do on you before He opens a door.

Put all of your trust in God and pray bold prayers!

Veering Off the Path


He scraped the honey out into his hands and ate it as he walked along. Then he went to his father and mother and gave them some. They ate it, but Samson did not tell them that he had taken the honey from the dead body of a lion.

Judges 14:9


Samson basically had three rules to follow throughout his lifetime; Don’t drink alcohol, Don’t touch anything dead, and Don’t cut your hair. Simple, right? But you know what people like Samson say: “Rules are made to be broken.”

Samson did something gross by anyone’s standards. But how many times have we veered off the path and done something “in the moment” without thinking it through?

All we have to do is follow Jesus’ lead. We’ll be tempted along the way, and we’ll certainly stumble, but God will never stop loving us or chasing us down!

Bite Your Tongue


A false accusation is as deadly as a sword, a club, or a sharp arrow.

Proverbs 25:18


It’s always a good rule to treat people with the utmost respect. Whether they’re homeless, have different views than we do, or aren’t in the same tax bracket.

When we walk into a church, all of these labels fall away and we are all on the same level ground. Why shouldn’t it be this way outside of the church walls?

The Bible says our tongues can be either soothing or laced with poison. Slander seems to have become an art form in this day and age.

As Christians, let’s attempt to to uplift people with the words we say!

Spiritual Strength


If you are weak in a crisis, you are weak indeed.

Proverbs 24:10


If you want to be seen as strong, you have to display strength. Many put on a facade. Then, when trouble comes, they quickly fall apart and others lose all confidence in them.

Strength doesn’t come simply from being able to dead-lift 500 pounds. Strength is something that comes from a lifetime of lessons learned and from a faith built on the degree to which you trust in God.

Build up your spiritual muscle by reading God’s Word, praying daily, and learning how to trust in His plan for you.

Avoid the Pitfalls


So beware if you think it could never happen to you, lest your pride becomes your downfall.

1 Corinthians 10:12


It’s easy to get complacent in our faith. We think if we read the Bible now and then and go to church on Sunday, we’re covered. It’s when your faith plays second fiddle that you find yourself flat on your face.

The enemy takes no breaks. The Bible says he lurks around every corner, waiting to pounce. Our faith needs to be number one! Our faith needs to be in the forefront, not that back seat!

Place your faith first and you’ll avoid the pitfalls placed before you!

Pray and Listen


And when Elijah heard it, he wrapped his face in his cloak and went out and stood at the entrance of the cave. And behold, there came a voice to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”

1 King 19:13


Prior to God speaking to Elijah, a wind tore through and broke the rocks into pieces, an earthquake shook, and fire appeared. Finally, as he got quiet, God spoke to him.

With all that we have going on, it’s hard to hear the “still small voice” of God. It’s not until we get to a quiet place and seek Him that we can hope to actually hear Him speak to us.

God spoke to Moses through a burning bush, and He even had a donkey talk. If it were only that easy. But God speaking like this is a rare occasion. We will need to pray and listen.

Your Trust Will Be Rewarded


For nothing will be impossible with God.

Luke 1:37


There are times when you stand in front of the giant [trials] and think, “There’s no way I can ever conquer this.” The problem is, you’re looking at the problem through human eyes.

If God created the universe in a week, He can certainly devise a pathway out of any earthly problem we face. Learn to rely on God more, trust that He can tackle any circumstance. The more you trust Him, the more He will show your trust is worthwhile.

An Overhead View


The Lord is my strength and my shield; in him my heart trusts, and I am helped; my heart exults, and with my song I give thanks to him.

Psalm 28:7


This verse gives a perfect overhead view of our relationship with God. We pray; He gives us strength. We trust; He helps us get through difficult times. Our prayers are answered; our hearts are overwhelmed and we thank Him for His faithfulness.

Rely on Him, He will never let you down!

Look Around


Let us know; let us press on to know the Lord; his going out is sure as the dawn; he will come to us as the showers, as the spring rains that water the earth.

Hosea 6:3


The Bible is God’s story. He reveals Himself through it. If we want to get to Him better, this is where we must start.

Looking out over God’s creation when you leave your home today, your surroundings alone should reveal how complex and how purposeful He is. He created the universe in a way that life could be supported and thrive her on Earth. Everything has a purpose, a sustaining purpose.

Dig into God’s Word, take in your surroundings, yearn to know God and strive for a relationship with Him. You are part of His story!