Men vs. Women


A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.

Proverbs 15:1


When it comes to relationships, especially marriage, it’s important to realize the differences you and your spouse come prepackaged with. I’ve always said, I’m black & white. I’m certainly not deep thinker, I like or don’t like something, and can be hard-headed. My wife, on the other hand, is more like rainbow. There’s a complexity that I don’t possess, which requires that I listen and dig deeper to understand where she’s coming from.

I have a tendency to respond quickly. Whether it’s a simple decision or an argument. What I’ve learned to do is apply the brakes and process things before I respond. It’s saved me from looking foolish and escalating an argument many times.

As men and women, we are the opposite. If we embrace that, rely on God’s Word and guidance, He will bless our relationships richly.

Author: Daily Dose

Husband, Father, Friend and Closet Guitar Geek...Follower of Christ

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